K9 Shrink Dog Training

Dog Training
Dog Training with Dr. Gail Clark
Dr. Gail Clark, certified dog trainer and behavioral psychologist, author, and instructor, has taught dog obedience classes in Fort Collins and surrounding communities in Colorado, for over 45 years. She has instructed dog owners on obedience training and how to fix and prevent dog behavior problems. As a Canine Behavioral Psychologist, Dr. Gail developed the only complete behavior and obedience course for dog owners that has helped over 50,000 dogs in Fort Collins, Loveland, Windsor, and surrounding communities in northern Colorado and neighboring states. Dr. Clark has helped thousands of fearful, aggressive, and problem dogs.
Gail Clark earned her doctoral degree at Colorado State University and is an internationally recognized dog psychologist, dog trainer, past columnist for the American Kennel Club Gazette, and is the author of two books: The Mentally Sound Dog: How to Shape, Train and Change K9 Behavior, and Puppy Parenting. Dr. Clark has won many awards for her work on dog behavior in the scientific field and literary field. She has trained and instructed all dog breeds and temperaments from family pets to show champions. Her dogs have earned numerous titles: Championships to the highest obedience title awarded, Utility and Utility Excellent, consistently ranking in the top ten in the nation for their breeds. All of Dr. Clark’s canine companions are certified therapy dogs, TV and print media supermodels. Dr. Clark has also produced a two-hour video production.
Behavior Counseling
Dr. Gail offers private consultations to help you solve specific behavior problems or to assist you in raising your puppy to be well-behaved and socially adjusted. Consultations involve a behavioral history, evaluation, and options for solutions and training. If your dog is out of control, fearful, aggressive, or exhibiting annoying behaviors, or just in need of one-on-one training, a private consultation is the answer for addressing your dog's problems and helping your dog become a well-mannered family member.

Dog Obedience Training for your Puppy or Dog
Dr. Gail offers private and fun lessons for basic good canine manners utilizing positive training skills that your dog understands. Dr. Gail, a behavioral psychologist, teaches communication between dogs and owners with a no fear, no force approach. Dr. Gail's lessons gives you an understanding of how your dog thinks, and a common language to clearly communicate with your dog. When you understand how your dog thinks, and what motivates your dog's behavior, you will be able to address behavior problems and prevent them in the future. With Dr. Gail's methods and techniques, you can modify your dog's behavior from bad habits to good behavior.
Dr. Gail's course is the only course that teaches sound psychological and scientific learning principles. You will learn appropriate non-threatening methods for positive socialization of children, adults, and dogs. When you attend Dr. Clark's classes with your dog, you are guaranteed to receive sound advice, quick positive results, and a fun, entertaining learning experience.
If you want a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog, ditch the choke chain and ditch the pinch collar you were given in the other obedience class and come join Dr. Gail’s obedience and behavior courses to learn how to train your dogs for success.
When to Start Puppy and Obedience Classes – Dog Training
Puppies are never too young to learn, and older dogs are never too old to learn new behaviors. Don’t worry about starting your dog too early with dog training. When your puppy starts going out in public, it is time to start class and teach him how to be a well-behaved community member. In Dr. Clark’s course, puppies learn how to interact with older dogs, and the mature dogs learn to behave around dogs of all ages.
Why is Dog Obedience Training Important?
Without a doubt, dog obedience training is the key to saving your dog’s life! Dog training teaches your dog to come when called, not to bite, proper social behavior around people and other dogs. In Dr. Clark’s class you will also learn how to stop behaviors that can damage your loving relationship with your dog, and encourage those good behaviors which will bond you and your dog for life.

Beginner Obedience Curriculum – Dog Training
The basic obedience exercises include walking on lead, heeling, sitting, down, sit-stay, down-stay, coming when called, systematic positive socialization, and much more.
Also included is instruction on how to prevent and solve behavior problems such as barking, jumping, digging, chewing, nipping, and house soiling. Your problem dog is welcome in class. Dr. Clark’s expertise includes fearful/aggressive dogs. The beginner behavior course and obedience class is the place to bring your dog to successfully correct annoying dog behavior problems.