I enrolled my four-month Australian Shepherd puppy in Gail Clark’s beginner class. Gail is a fountain of knowledge and information. She has a solution for every problem that the class would throw at her. Although I’ve had dogs before Gail showed me where some of my training techniques were wrong and how to correct them. My puppy is very high spirited and was easily distracted by other dogs during the learning to heel part of the training. Seeing my struggles, Gail jumped in and took over. The change in my pup’s behavior was immediate, stunning and dramatic. Suddenly, she was totally attentive and instead of looking at other dogs she only had eyes for Gail. Gail is a true “dog whisperer!” I am now signed up to take private lessons with Gail and am looking forward to even better results!
— P. (Google User Review)

A few years ago, we added an outgoing, playful and very active golden retriever puppy to our household. It had been a long time since we’d had a puppy and we thought an obedience class would be helpful. K9 Shrink was recommended by a friend so we enrolled Luke in Gail’s four week basic dog training class. Our goal was to learn the “basics” so that we’d have a well-behaved dog. However, that four weeks has led us on to an ever continuing fun-filled adventure! When we finished the first class, we found that our bond with Luke had grown exponentially. So we enrolled him in advanced dog training and then started attending drop in dog training night. With each step, we became more and more a team!
We then added Zeke, a second golden retriever puppy, to the household and started training him at K9 Shrink. Even though our “boys” are related, we found them to be unique. And we began to appreciate Gail’s expertise all the more. She is adept at finding solutions and training techniques that work for each individual dog. We also begin to see how she was teaching us to train Luke and Zeke so that advanced skills were learned in a step by step process.
We thought that it might be fun to try obedience competition. And, Gail has been there every step of the way – observing, coaching and encouraging . The relationship that we have developed with Luke and Zeke is priceless. Both dogs have now earned a Companion Dog title and are training for advanced titles.
Finally, Gail has a special knack and compassion for rescue dogs. A short while ago, we decided to foster (and then adopt) a collie who had been raised in horrendous conditions. She was frightened and confused. We’ve taken advantage of private lessons to help with behavioral concerns and also completed the basic dog training class. Jazz is now a sweet, delightful and gentle companion who has truly come into her own!

Stephen & Max
My dog has improved so much since taking these lessons. And I also have become a better dog handler and owner. Highly recommended.
-- Stephen
I just stumbled across your website and remembered when I brought my puppy, Arden, to you for help. She was a singleton cocker spaniel pup who bit me in the face at four months old. If I remember correctly, the first thing you asked me was if I had “alpha rolled” her, which I had!
Anyway, just wanted to say I took the advice you gave me in that session to heart and worked diligently with my wild little alpha bitch puppy to gently and effectively show her my boundaries. Your advice and help were perfect and most likely saved her life. Little Arden grew to be a fun adult dog who never once tried to bite again. I lost her at age 14 to mast cell cancer. As hard as that was, it was much better than losing her to temperament issues at less than six months. Thank you!
— Andrea
My granddog, Buddy, came to live with us while his owner was deployed. Buddy was previously trained and works very well with his owner but I came to realize that I was not communicating very well with Buddy and he and I were both beginning to get frustrated. Twenty years ago we had taken our dog to an obedience class that Dr. Clark offered and when I realized that Ineeded some retraining In order to communicate better with Buddy, the first person I did a search for was Dr. Clark. Talk about a huge sigh of relief when I saw she was still offering classes!!
Buddy faithfully made sure each class was attended and between Dr. Clark and Buddy, grandma managed to pass the class. With humor and positive reinforcement for both of us, Dr. Clark helped us to work better together and for that we are SO grateful. We hope she neverretires because Buddy has been told when his owner returns home he is going to get a brother or sister and grandma and the sibling will need lots of training. Buddy is certain of that!
OMD! My dogs have been pushing to see through the gate and apparently loosened it enough so that Cooper hit it running and squeezed through. I was watching and called but he was gone. I ran inside, grabbed a cookie treat and leash and was out the door. I called and he glanced back and I knew if I chased him I’d lose him. I’m too old for racing. So I plopped myself down and called, “COOKIE!” and showed him the treat and continued to entice him with the treat. Luckily I have some high value treats and he came up to get it. I carefully put out my other hand low and started to scratch his head, then neck, then grabbed his collar as he took the treat. Saved!!!!
Thanks to Gail Clark for this training trick. It worked again. I made immediate repairs to the gate using aluminum siding piece that won’t work loose (I hope). K9 Shrink Dog Training!
— JD.
I enrolled my four-month Australian Shepherd puppy in Gail Clark’s beginner class. Gail is a fountain of knowledge and information. She has a solution for every problem that the class would throw at her. Although I’ve had dogs before Gail showed me where some of my training techniques were wrong and how to correct them. My puppy is very high spirited and was easily distracted by other dogs during the learning to heel part of the training. Seeing my struggles, Gail jumped in and took over. The change in my pup’s behavior was immediate, stunning and dramatic. Suddenly, she was totally attentive and instead of looking at other dogs she only had eyes for Gail. Gail is a true “dog whisperer!” I am now signed up to take private lessons with Gail and am looking forward to even better results!
— P.
This was a wonderful class! Both Coral and I learned a lot (me especially). The class size was perfect and the trainers were knowledgeable and helpful! Thank you!!
— J.
Your class was originally recommended to us by J___P___ and M___ S___. They have Tenzing and Lily – two Australian Shepherds. They also loaned us your book. What I liked the most was that the class size was limited. I liked that 3 different trainers were involved because even though you all 3 wanted the same result, having 3 different perspectives and teaching styles was nice. I am looking forward to getting Sadie in the advanced class whether it be in March or 3 months from now when I am back in town. I would definitely recommend this class to other new dog owners. Thanks for everything! Our relationship with Sadie is only going to get better and better!
— J.H. & K.H.